
Featured Ads

The Featured Ad can start at any point during the month and can be bought either a month at a time or in a bulk of three.

Start-up Ads

Small Ads are reserved for start-up companies (less than 6 months) to advertise their products or services at a special rate. Style Icon Collective offers a discounted rate for start-ups only.
Style Icon Collective offers this option in support of emerging brands and to help them gain more exposure.

Start-up & Small Business Ads 

Medium Ads are reserved for start-ups and small companies to advertise their products or services at a special rate. Style Icon Collective offers a discounted rate for start-ups (less than 6 months) and small businesses only. This rate does not apply to more established brands (24+ months). Style Icon Collective offers this option in support of emerging brands and to help them gain more exposure.

Featured Ad (1200x1600px)

The Featured Ad is in the top bar on the home page (as above). Maximum one per month.

Next Availability: Immediate

Runs for 1 month, 1 shown including a blog feature (350 words min) + 1 social media campaign (Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Linked In & Facebook) + 1 Instagram story (including Instagram highlight) + email marketing + shoppable link via Instagram feed and blog are available. IGTV or Youtube review (additional fees apply).

Small Ad (150x220px)

Small Ad rates are reserved for start-up brands only.

Small Ads will be placed under the Medium Ad on the right-hand sidebar on the advertising page. Buy 3 months and get a discounted rate.

Next Availability: Immediate

Runs for 1 month, 1 shown + 1 social media campaign (Instagram Post, Pinterest, Twitter, Linked In & Facebook) + email marketing + shoppable link via Instagram feed and blog are available. IGTV or Youtube review (additional fees apply).

Medium Ad (360x451px)

Medium Ad rates are reserved for start-up brands and small businesses.

Medium Ads will be placed above Small Ads on the right-hand sidebar of the advertising page. Buy 3 months and get a discounted rate.

Next Availability: Immediate.

Runs for 1 month, 2 shown + 2 social media campaigns (Instagram Post, Pinterest, Twitter, Linked In & Facebook) + 2 Instagram stories (including Instagram highlight) + email marketing + shoppable link via Instagram feed and blog are available. IGTV or Youtube Review (additional fees apply).

Featured, Small or Medium Ads

If you would like to place an ad you will need to do the following:

1. Email

2. Specify which banner you are interested in (Featured, Small or Medium Ad or if you would like to purchase Ad Space in bulk).

3. Attach suitable artwork in the relevant size as a JPEG or PNG file.

4. Include the URL of the site that you wish the ad to direct to.

If the artwork and URL are acceptable, a member of the team will get back to you with an invoice and payment details.

5. Media Kit available upon request.

6. Pricing available upon request

Many thanks!



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