
Favourites, Beauty

To know which skincare products are suitable for your skin type can sometimes be a mission, at the best of times. I have tested different brands for years, some of which were keepers and complete losers. Life is too short to wait for possible results. When you find a product that delivers what it says
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Have you developed a lockdown skincare ritual? The pandemic has thrown us into an isolated world where self-care and self-preservation have become crucial emotional and mental stability elements. I realise even more now, that time is our most precious commodity. Despite the negative implications of lockdown—boredom, monotony, laziness—one of its key benefits is plentiful time
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Favourites, Beauty

As lockdown continues, I find myself taking each day as it comes with a glimmer of hope. A resilient mind comes with wisdom and great courage. However, the uncertainty of the future and doubt can test our willpower, such as in the current situation. It is fair to say that the social distancing rules have
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